Entrepreneur Statistics [MBA Friday Facts] | TopMBA.com

Entrepreneur Statistics [MBA Friday Facts]

By Nicole Willson

Updated Updated

Are you starting your own business and looking to learn from other entrepreneurs? There are some common traits shared by most successful entrepreneurs, as outlined in the Kauffman Foundation's Anatomy of an Entrepreneur reports. Read on to find out what they are.





  • Academically, founders do really well in high-school, but not as well in college. 75% of respondents said they were among the top 30% of students in their high school class, but only 29.5% of respondents said the same of their college academic performance. (The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur: Family Background and Motivation, Kauffman Foundation, 2009, PDF)





  • 73% of successful founders cited professional networking as one of the things that has made their business successful, but only 62% of founders said they felt the same way about their personal networks. (The Anatomy of an Entrepreneur: Making of a Entrepreneur, Kauffman Foundation, 2009, PDF)






This article was originally published in . It was last updated in

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